Maestro - As always

10 июня 2012 — Maestro

 перевод - Наталия Соллогуб 

слова и музыка - Maestro
вариант на русском
         As always

Вrighter a sunny day, 
sharper sorrow, pain.
The joy is going away.
It comes the wind and rain.

Always coffee, a pie,
sandwich, juice - a lot .
All this usual kind,
as you all do not.

And summer, like summer
the sky is clear blue.
But it is a bummer ,
when there is no you.

Why are oxygen and air,
without you, and suffer?
We can never be pair...
Such a pain may stuffer. 
The warmth is in the house
and the roof from the snow and eyes
But I always rouse
Why, why our love dies?

Songs, also serials
by satellite again…
But such materials
are absolutely vain.

And friends are calling me
Saying:Try to have a rest,
I love you Im not free.
You are, my love, the best.

And fall, like autumn,
winter ahead
I touch the hells bottom
I m almost dead.

Why are oxygen and air,
without you and suffer?
We can never be pair...
Such a pain may stuffer.
The warmth is in the house
and the roof from the snow and eyes
But I always rouse
Why, why our love dies?
© «Стихи и Проза России»
Рег.№ 0058739 от 10 июня 2012 в 01:37

Другие произведения автора:

Maestro - Соловей

Maestro - You, only you

ВИА Протуберанцы

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Станислав Пенявский # 13 июня 2012 в 18:08 0
Наташа, вот и тут нашлись.
Ленок # 25 августа 2013 в 16:19 0
Супер песня..Прекрасное исполнение! Молодец Сереженька умничка! cem  arb16  arb16  arb16  vb070  vb070  
Мария Козимирова # 1 января 2018 в 10:35 0