My city

1.   My city


1.   I love you, my city,

For the strong.

I love you, my city very long.

I love you, my city!

You are so, so nice.

You are very sweet

And very spice.


What is city?
- What is may be quest?

I love you, my city very best!

You are very glad, my city,

For the every guest.

Welcome to my city!

Who is next?



My city is very old.

My city – is my gold.

My city is very young.

You are – for everyone.


I’m every day with you.

My every step – for you!

My city, I love you,

My city!


2.   Follow to my city every way!

O, my Lord, my city,

Let me stay!

All of my achievements,

O, my city, with your day!

O, my city, all right and ok!



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Рег.№ 0206130 от 6 июля 2015 в 19:45

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