Ghost in the woods

3 октября 2014 — Принц Александр
Previously published by me ( as all other my English poetry ) on other sites under the name princeAlexander / princealexander .

We are naked and alone, being not willfully born,

And we are also alone when we die.

And the same in between, every year on and on

No matter do laugh we or cry.

How can I expect that I'll be understood

By your mind or by instinct of yours,

When myself I feel lost in emotional wood,

Where I am walking alone like a ghost.

Where my jealousy fights with my faith and my trust.

Where one part of me hopes that you love me in me, but another so painfully screams,

That I'm just a placeholder in the world of your dreams,

Unfulfilled by someone in your past !

When our bodies together are blending in one,

Are you thinking of him, while keep holding me tight,

Giving kindly to me what is his by his right,

Who escaped from your hands on the run ?

See Russian "white poetry" translation of this piece at:
Also see my English poetry folder/section there
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Рег.№ 0177786 от 3 октября 2014 в 13:17

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